Leaving a gift in your Will promises to transform the animals World the way YOU dream it to be.

Most of Romanian animals live through a non-stop emergency situation. Today, ROLDA is concerned with alleviating their suffering and saving lives. But we must think about the years to come, as well.
Looking ahead, your legacy could mean the capability not just to respond to emergencies but also to educate people and to change the culture that allows so many animal atrocities to happen. Your legacy could reduce the emergencies. Permanently.

A gift in your Will to ROLDA ensures time, skills, effort and patience will be spent for many years into the future in order to give the animals a chance to live peacefully in their present time. Make a gift in your Will and join us on this complex but essential mission.

Make a REAL gesture towards a SAFE tomorrow for animals!

Create Your Legacy of Kindness for homeless animals in need!

Get our free guide

  • Australia

  • * We promise to always keep your details safe and we’ll never sell your information with any other organization. Remember, you can also change how you hear from us at any time by sending us an email at info@rolda.org.au. Taking care of your information is really important to us. By clicking this button you agree the ROLDA Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

What is ROLDA Legacies Society?

A group of compassionate individuals dedicated to pass their love, commitment and respect for animals to future generations.

Read Helen’s story: An inspiring commitment to a safer future for animals in need

Helen was born in Adelaide in October 1938, but her ancestors were from Scotland. Helen was a brilliant and savvy person, years ahead of her time, and an avid animal lover who would dedicate her life to a beautiful cause.

Helen’s goal was to leave as much of her life savings as possible to those who help animals in need. She became very frugal, making her and her husband’s clothes and doing her own DIY.

She was truly dedicated to making the world a better place for suffering animals. Sadly Helen passed away in January 2021 and we were honored to be notified of Helen’s intention to leave a generous gift to ROLDA.

Her dedication to animals lives on in our tireless work to rescue abused and abandoned stray dogs in Romania.

Join ROLDA Legacy Challenge Now

Up to 5000 US$ will be released in your name by a group of generous Swiss board advisors to immediately help suffering animals!

We are helping

A country with millions of homeless animals and neighbor countries e.g. Ukraine

We run shelters for dogs and cats in 2nd largest urban community in Romania

ROLDA is active in one of the poorest region of the country helping other charities in danger to close down

Officials estimate 17000 stray dogs in Galati city alone

An estimated number of 7000 feral cats (and their number grows alarmingly) in Galati city alone

Thousands of farm animals, including horses and donkeys living in the area, at risk of being abandoned in any moment

You can leave a gift in your Will in several different ways

Which is best for you?

While there are many ways to give to ROLDA Inc, every contribution is crucial to our life-changing work in the community. Some of the most effective ways to support us through a bequest include:


A Residuary refers to the act of gifting the remainder of your estate after all gifts have been dispersed to specific individuals or organisations in accordance with your Will. A Residuary could include any funds or property left over after your chosen loved ones receive gifts, and any administrative costs or funeral expenses are settled. For example, a person may decide to gift properties to their loved ones, use their personal savings to pay for the costs of a funeral service, and gift any remaining personal savings to a charitable organisation.

Percentage-based Bequest

This can include a percentage of your General Estate (i.e. all the funds, properties or assets against your Will), or a percentage of the residuary once gifts and other costs have been processed in accordance with your wishes.

Pecuniary Gift

A Pecuniary Gift is a specific contribution of cash funds. An example might be that you choose to leave $1,000 to support a sterilization campaign for pets from poor rural communities.

Specific Asset

This type of bequest involves giving a particular piece of real estate, specific shares or other items, like artworks.

Testamentary Trust

The main benefits of Testamentary Trusts are their ability to protect assets and to reduce the tax paid by beneficiaries from income earned from the inheritance and created by a Will. It helps provide a greater level of control over the assets of the Will.
A Testamentary Trust does not come into effect until after the death of the person making the Will. At this time, the specified deceased estate property is transferred to a trustee, who holds the assets on trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
If you are responsible for administering a Testamentary Trust, you should consider seeking expert legal advice, from a lawyer that deals with and has great experience in the area of Testamentary Trusts.

Key Information

When creating your bequest, it is important to use the correct ROLDA,Inc registered name, ABN and address.


ABN 38 420 396 060

Physical Address: Suite 10, 424 Gympie Road, Strathpine QLD 4500, Australia

PO Box address: PO Box 5919, Brendale DC QLD 4500, Australia

Phone: 0473 001 274

If you have questions, please get in touch with ROLDA Legacy Team Email: legacy@rolda.org or contact Lauraine directly at 0473 001 274. Your details will be treated with the strictest confidence and without any obligation.

You don’t have to be rich or famous to make a difference

You just have to make a simple decision. Whoever you are, whatever your situation is, you can help create a better world by including ROLDA in your will.

These are some of the advantages to mention ROLDA Inc in your will

✓ You can make a gift that costs you nothing

✓ You can change your beneficiaries at any time

✓ You can provide for your loved ones but also for causes that you care about

We’ve partnered with Willed

Creating a Will has traditionally been viewed as an expensive and time-consuming process, turning millions of people off completing something so important to them and their loved ones, and enabling their passions and values to continue beyond their lifetime. ROLDA Inc has partnered with ‘Willed’, an online platform that enables you to complete your legally-binding Will in less than 20 minutes, in a few simple steps, from the comfort of your own home.

Willed was created by lawyers and tech experts, but more importantly, real people – to simplify the process of end-of-life planning, saving you time, money and stress. When you create your Will, you will be asked if you wish to leave a gift. Once your family and friends are cared for, you may wish to leave a percentage of your estate, or a specific nominated amount, to ROLDA Inc.


If I include ROLDA in my Will do I need to let you know?

It is your decision; however by letting us know about your gift you will help us plan better for the future. If you would like to let us know of your decision to include ROLDA in your Will, please email us at info@rolda.org.au

Can I say where I want my gift to be used?

Legacies provide ROLDA with vital funds for long-term planning and development. Leaving a legacy to a specific type of work or location might mean that we cannot fulfill your wishes if we are no longer doing that specific work or in a specific area in the future. Keeping your gift for general purposes enables ROLDA to use it where the need is the greatest at the time.

Do I need assistance to write a Will?

We suggest you use the services of a solicitor or trustee company to ensure your Will is legally sound. A solicitor can also advise you on matters such as guardians, asset valuation and power of attorney.

What are correct wording for my Will?

Below is the correct wording for including ROLDA in your Will or in a Codicil (a simple addition to your existing Will):
“I give to ROLDA (ABN 38 420 396 060)
1. The rest and residue of my Estate (or)
2. _____ percent of my Estate (or)
3. _____ percent of the residue of my Estate (or)
4. The sum of $ _________
free of all duties and testamentary expenses to ROLDA for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of that organization shall be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.”

How do I prepare my Will?

The most vital part of having a Will is to ensure it is valid. So it’s a good idea to seek legal advice. Having a solicitor or trustee company assist you in writing your Will can help ensure the required legal processes are followed, in line with your wishes. When writing your Will it’s important that you consider the needs of your family and dependents, and let them know about decisions that affect them – including if you decide to leave a gift to ROLDA.

Can my gift be confidential?

Of course – all information you give to us is strictly confidential. Any information supplied to ROLDA is protected by the Privacy Policy which can be viewed on ROLDA website www.rolda.org.au/privacy-policy/

How can I be sure my money will reach the animals who need it?

All donations to ROLDA go directly to where they are needed most, to protect the most abused, sick and vulnerable animals. This is ROLDA’s commitment to our donors and to the animals that need our support. Administration and fundraising costs are kept to an absolute minimum.

When is the right time to write a Will?

If you do not have a Will, it is advisable to write one as soon as possible. It is also important to update your Will when your circumstances change – for example if you get married, have children or buy property.

How do I leave a gift to ROLDA in my Will?

Leaving a gift to ROLDA in your Will is a way that you can make a life-changing difference for tomorrow’s dogs (or other abused animals) and realize your vision for a better world. If you include ROLDA in your Will, it is important to ensure that the wording is legally correct. You may want to talk to your solicitor or trustee, as well as one of ROLDA team member.

Why is having a Will so important?

Everyone should have a Will. It ensures that the distribution of your assets is carried out in the way you want and provides for the people and issues you care about.

About Legacy society

Are there benefits to being in the ROLDA’s Legacies Society?

The biggest benefit, of course, is that you’ll be helping animals in need for generations to come. But you’ll also receive newsletters and updates from us, and Legacies Society’s Friends get a 10 percent discount on ROLDA online store, along with free shipping. By sharing your intention to give now a gift in your will to ROLDA, up to 5000 US$ will be immediately released to our charity by a Swiss group of donors, which will enable us to buy nutrition food for starving strays, improve our housing facilities for animals in need, expand our shelters, reach more animals in need of medical emergency aid. Learn more about the Legacy Challenge here https://legacy.rolda.org/rolda-legacy-challenge/.

Can I mention ROLDA Romania in my will?

Of course, you can. Please use these details when completing your will:
Fundatia ROLDA
Address: 16 Feroviarilor Street, Bl. C2, ap. 18
800563 Galati, Romania
Registration number: 18416340

I already put ROLDA in my will. Do I need to do anything else?

Yes, please complete the Confidential Bequest Form online here so that we can have a written record of your generosity. It’s a non-binding agreement strictly for our records and ensures that you will become a member of the ROLDA’s Legacies Society.

How do I get in touch with ROLDA team?

Fill in our online form and we’ll send your question to the right person to answer it. At the bottom of this page, you will find a list of phone numbers and postal addresses, please use the most suitable one to get in touch with us!
You can reach the ROLDA founder directly at this phone number 004 0748 903612 (WhatsApp).

Our slogan is…

Because every animal deserves to be respected!