Leaving a gift in your Will promises to transform the animals World the way YOU dream it to be.
Most of homeless animals live through a non-stop emergency situation. Today, ROLDA is focus to alleviate their suffering and saving lives. But we must think about the years to come, as well.
Looking ahead, your legacy could mean the capability not just to respond to emergencies (disasters like war from Ukraine or medical emergencies to save injured animals) but also to educate people and to change the culture that allows so many animal atrocities to happen. Your legacy could reduce the emergencies. Permanently.
A gift in your Will to ROLDA USA ensures time, skills, effort and patience will be spent for many years into the future in order to give the animals in need a chance to live peacefully in their present time. Make a gift in your Will and join us on this complex but essential mission.
Make a REAL gesture towards a SAFE tomorrow for animals!
Create Your Legacy of Kindness for homeless animals in need!
Please complete this form to get in touch with Mary Frances or contact her directly at 917-854-6580. Your details will be treated with the strictest confidence and without any obligation.

What is ROLDA Legacies Society?
A group of compassionate individuals dedicated to pass their love, commitment and respect for animals to future generations.
Why I’ve left a gift in my will
Helen was born in Adelaide in October 1938, but her ancestors were from Scotland. Helen was a brilliant and savvy person, years ahead of her time, and an avid animal lover who would dedicate her life to a beautiful cause. Helen’s goal was to leave as much of her life savings as possible to those who help animals in need. She became very frugal, making her and her husband’s clothes and doing her own DIY. She was truly dedicated to making the world a better place for suffering animals. Sadly Helen passed away in January 2021 and we were honored to be notified of Helen’s intention to leave a generous gift to ROLDA. Her dedication to animals lives on in our tireless work to rescue abused and abandoned stray dogs in Romania.

Join ROLDA Legacy Challenge Now
Up to 5000 US$ will be released in your name by a group of generous Swiss board advisors to immediately help suffering animals!

Our slogan is…
Because every animal deserves to be respected!
Key Information
Legal Name: Romanian League in Defense of Animals, Inc
Current address: PO Box 4674 Crofton MD 21114, USA
Tax identification number: 32-0176929
Relationship: 501(c)3 Not For Profit Organization
Contributions to the Romanian League in Defense of Animals, Inc. (ROLDA) are tax-deductible.
Phone: 410-353-5505
Email: legacy@rolda.org
Website: https://rolda.org
For Outside of the US
Canadians leaving a planned gift to ROLDA will use the same information as members in the U.S. for the Legal Language and Tax ID in a will and other gifts such as bank accounts, insurance policies, etc.
If you are interested in naming ROLDA USA in your will or estate plan, or if you require additional information from the ROLDA team, please contact Stacey at 443-783-0656 or email her at legacy@rolda.org.
We are helping

A country with millions of homeless animals and neighbor countries e.g. Ukraine

We run shelters for dogs and cats in 2nd largest urban community in Romania

ROLDA is active in one of the poorest region of the country helping other charities in danger to close down

Officials estimate 17000 stray dogs in Galati city alone

An estimated number of 7000 feral cats (and their number grows alarmingly) in Galati city alone

Thousands of farm animals, including horses and donkeys living in the area, at risk of being abandoned in any moment
Different planned gift options can help to change the future of animals in need
Which is the best for you?
While there are many ways to give to ROLDA USA, every contribution is crucial to our life-changing work in the community. Some of the most effective ways to support us through planned giving include:
A simple way to save the lives of pets for years to come
Download a guide about how life insurances can secure the future of #ROLDAdogs and cats
Real estate: provide #ROLDAdogs and cats hope for the future
Turn your life savings into lifesaving
Make a Gift through a Donor Advised Fund
Allocate the remainder of your retirement assets and save lives
Tax deduction for charitable giving
You don’t have to be rich or famous to make a difference
You just have to make a simple decision. Whoever you are, whatever your situation is, you can help create a better world for animals by including ROLDA in your planned giving.
General questions about wills

Who needs a will?

What if I have a will that no longer meets my needs?
Minor changes can be accomplished with a codicil, a simple amendment to an existing will. More substantial changes may require the drafting of a new will. Whether the changes are minor or extensive, always consult with your attorney when considering a revision, as handwritten changes may completely invalidate your will.

What if I would like to include gifts to charity in my will?
Gifts can take the following forms:
A specific amount: You can direct that a particular dollar amount be transferred to one or more charities.
Specific property: You can designate that a certain asset, such as real estate, artwork or other valuables, be used to fund a charitable gift. Such a bequest should be worded carefully, as the assets you own may change over time.
A percentage: A percentage of your estate can be designated for charitable purposes, thus ensuring that your gifts remain in proportion to other bequests.
All or a portion of the residue: You can provide that charitable gifts be made from what is left after all other gifts to loved ones have been fulfilled.
Additionally, you may include provisions for ROLDA through beneficiary designations of living trusts, life insurance proceeds or retirement plan assets that may remain at death.

Is there a way I can enjoy tax savings and other benefits from charitable gifts now?
If you fund income gifts with securities that have increased in value over the years, you may reduce and/or delay capital gains tax that would be due had you sold the assets. It can also be possible to receive payments that are free of tax or taxed at lower rates than other income. You also enjoy the satisfaction of making a thoughtful charitable gift in a way that preserves, or perhaps enhances, your financial well-being or that of your loved ones.

Do both spouses need wills?

How much does it cost to make a will?

Why might I need a plan other than a will?
Joint ownership arrangements allow you to own property with others. At the end of one owner’s lifetime, the property passes outside of probate to the survivor.
A power of attorney lets you appoint someone to handle your financial affairs if you should be unable to do so. Many people also create a living will, which outlines their health care wishes.
Also review the beneficiary designations of your life insurance policies, IRAs, and other retirement plans, because your will and other plans may not affect their distribution.
General questions about estate planning

What is estate planning?

How do I begin the estate planning process?
- List the people you would like to provide for in your plans. You may wish to include charitable interests.
- List the property you own and any income it produces. Include investments, real estate, retirement plan funds, and life insurance assets, as well as personal property.
- Your plans will begin to take shape as you consider how you wish to use your property to provide for the people on your list. Study your property list carefully, looking for opportunities to match the needs of each person.
- List the planners you will need to help you—your attorney, accountant, financial planner, banker and/or others. Consider asking your most trusted advisor to help coordinate the process.

What if I do not make an estate plan?
- Provide for your heirs according to their needs.
- Take into account who you would have wanted to be the legal guardian of your minor children.
- Provide for special friends or charitable interests.

Is a will the only document needed to complete my estate plan?
About life insurance

How do I go about making a life insurance gift?
You choose to make an immediate gift of a life insurance policy by making ROLDA the irrevocable owner and beneficiary of a policy. You may be entitled to an income tax deduction based on the value of the policy or premiums paid. Check with your advisor for the amount of deduction to which you may be entitled.

What if I still need the life insurance policies that I own?
Another way to give using life insurance is to purchase a policy to replace other assets given ROLDA. For example, if you make a significant charitable gift of cash or other property, you might utilize the tax savings to purchase a life insurance policy to benefit your heirs at death. The amount you gave to ROLDA may thus be replaced by the amount received by your heirs from the life insurance policy.

What are the benefits to the charitable recipient?
- Amount of the gift—With a gift of life insurance, your favorite charitable interests may receive a larger contribution than would be possible if you gave other assets.
- Avoiding probate—Your life insurance gift can be put to work faster because the charitable recipient receives the proceeds of the policy immediately, without having to wait for the estate to be settled.
- The full amount—Because life insurance gifts are generally not subject to probate costs, your charitable beneficiary receives all the proceeds you designate.

Who should consider giving life insurance?
If your children are grown and financially independent, you have adequate retirement savings, your home is paid for and you no longer anticipate payment of estate taxes, one or more of your life insurance policies may now be “obsolete.” You can make excellent use of such policies by giving them or the proceeds they will eventually generate to one or more charitable interests.

Can you summarize the benefits for donors?
- Convenience—It is a simple process to change the beneficiary or give complete ownership to a new or existing policy.
- Tax savings—Significant income, estate, and gift tax savings may be available by effectively planning your gift of a new or existing life insurance policy.
- Privacy—Unlike a bequest in your will, a life insurance policy gift is not a matter of public record.
- Flexibility—You can choose whether to name a charitable interest as a beneficiary of a policy you no longer need for its originally intended purpose, such as payment of estate taxes. Or you can purchase a new policy specifically for charitable use.
Legacy society

Are there benefits to being in the ROLDA’s Legacies Society?

Can I mention ROLDA Romania in my will?
Fundatia ROLDA
Address: 16 Feroviarilor Street, Bl. C2, ap. 18
800563 Galati, Romania
Registration number: 18416340

I already put ROLDA in my will. Do I need to do anything else?

How do I get in touch with ROLDA team?
You can reach the ROLDA founder directly at this phone number 004 0748 903612 (WhatsApp).
For women supporters

Why should women be concerned about estate planning?

What do unmarried women need to consider?

Is estate planning for a woman really any different than estate planning for a man?

Should estate plans be reviewed when a woman’s marital status changes?
In the case of remarriage, a woman may want to provide for her new husband in her plans while also preserving assets for her children.

What if a woman is married and owns everything jointly with a spouse?

Can a woman’s estate plan do more than just distribute property to her loved ones?

Is it important that both spouses have an estate plan?

How can a woman continue to support a loved one’s charitable interests?
Whether carrying on a tradition of giving to a spouse’s favorite charity or leaving a legacy to express her own ideals, memorial gifts can be an important part of a woman’s estate plan.
Give for income

Who should consider gifts that result in increased income for themselves or others?

What assets can I use to fund an income gift?

How do these gifts work?
With this type of gift, the amount of income you receive is determined at the time you make your gift and remains the same from that point forward. This option is particularly attractive for those who wish to plan on a definite amount of income that will never change.
Another option allows you to make a gift that provides income that varies over time. Income you or a loved one receives from this type of gift will fluctuate each year depending on the performance of the plan’s investments. This option provides an opportunity for growth in income over time.

Are there any tax benefits as a result of such gifts?
Property (such as securities) that has increased in value while you have owned it may be the smartest choice to fund an income gift. In this case, your income tax deduction is generally calculated using the full fair market value of the property at the time you make the gift. You also avoid paying capital gains tax at the time the donated property is sold.

How much would my payments be?

What if I have personal financial obligations to meet, yet still want to make a gift?
Educational expenses: If you want to provide funds for your children or grandchildren’s education, a gift that features an income stream may be an attractive and tax-efficient option. You can fund educational needs now or in the future while making an eventual charitable gift and can enjoy immediate tax savings.
Supplement retirement funds: If planning for retirement is high on your list of priorities, an income gift can supplement other retirement plan income while also providing for a charitable gift when you or a survivor no longer need the income.
Pre-retirement planning: If you are not yet retired, simply postpone income payments until you do retire and yhour income may actually be greater at the time when you need it most. Even though you are not yet receiving income, you will still enjoy immediate tax savings.
Take care of loved ones: Do you want to provide financial support for a spouse, parent, child or someone else who depends on you? With a well-planned charitable gift, you can arrange for regular payments that can add to a surviving loved one’s financial security.

How long will I receive payments?
When payments are no longer needed or otherwise end, the remaining funds are devoted to charitable use.
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