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(ROLDA is established as an independent charity in the following countries)
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Why ROLDA need your support
For the Animals

Rescue dogs abused, neglected, homeless dog

Provide sheltering and special care to 300 senior dogs

Help the pets that belong to owners with low income from rural area
To help more and better

For cats, too: Cattery for disabled, senior cats

For extra comfort: Ventilation and heating to ROLDA sanctuary

For the seniors: Therapy with #roldadogs in the largest retirement home
ROLDA Commitments

Help the abused, neglected, homeless animals

Rescue – Provide good Sheltering conditions – Rehoming

Offer immediate medical assistance to injured animals found on the streets
ROLDA Promise

Fight against animal abusers and against the illegal public shelters in Romania

Provide full transparency about how supporters’ donations are being used

Help the poor community who struggle to look after their pets and farm animals responsibly